Not all marriages in this world are successful. Some face trouble because of getting a second marriage, while others make a gimmick to marry the person. Everything is well-planned for the marriage ceremony. Yet it is not legal or not registered.
Most of these cases are under nullity or void of marriage that will be tackled under empty anchor in the Family law in Texas.
Texas marriage requirements
Applying for a marriage license in Texas is not difficult if you have the requirements to comply. Applying for a marriage license, both man and woman must have a valid form of ID, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate, passport or military card, or Social Security card. Also, the age requirement must be 18 years old and above to marry.
If you are between 16 to 18, a court order granting permission to marry or parental consent is another requirement. If you are younger than 16, a court order granting permission to marry is needed. Here are a few of the other requirements:
- Texas residency
- Premarital education
- Waiting period
Where to get a marriage license?
To apply for a marriage license, the couple should go to the office clerk of the country personally. There are important papers or documents to bring when you apply for a marriage license; both man and woman must have a valid form of ID.
Nullity of marriage
When speaking up with a marriage license to get married, there is also nullity of marriage. Both parties must understand that nullity of marriage is possible. Generally, the nullity of marriage has different grounds:
- Incestuous marriages
- Marriages against public policy
- Bigamous marriages
- Void subsequent marriage
Declaration of nullity of marriage is determined by the annulment of marriage. It is considered when the marriage is valid and exists until being annulled. Grounds for annulment of marriage exist during the marriage, including:
- Lack of parental consent
- Insanity
- Fraud
- Duress
- Impotence
- Serious and incurable STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
The declaration of nullity of marriage is not the same as legal separation. Legal separation is a legal remedy for couples who suffered from a problematic marriage. Legal separation has also grounds that may have arisen after the marriage, which is also filed on the grounds. Legal separation allows the couple to live separately and apart with their own assets.
However, legally separated couples are not allowed to remarry. The marriage of a legally separated couple is still subsisting and valid. To understand more of this, go through the topics under an empty anchor.
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