Being a citizen of a country, it is your duty to abide by the rules and regulations put forth by the government for the welfare and security of the people. Thus, the legal Law of a country is a structure of directions formed and imposed by social institutions to shape the discipline of its people. Laws are being made by the constitution for all the fields like business, education, politics, and society. It is to maintain order and uniformity among everyone in a society; the representatives create these rules, and violation of the laws is condemned. Laws are providing justice equally to every citizen, be it a beggar or rich man, bringing them under one roof called Nation.

  • Custom: They consider it being the main and the actual source of law. It is a set of unrecorded rules that are binding or non-obligatory, enforced by state or public, respectively.
  • Legislation: It is the modern form of source that is assisted by the authority of the autonomous council, and it is straight away passed by the State.
  • Judicial precedent: In this system, they bound judges to follow the set of rules or decisions previously made and recorded by other judges regarding similar cases.

Laws are not always the same among different countries they differ from one another based on the changes, geographical conditions, and much more. Laws regarding women, children’s safety, and education were given more importance. Acts like:

  • Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women: This was passed by United Nations General Assembly, and the act is to safeguard women from any form of physical and psychological violence like sexual assault, infanticide, acid attack, or whatever that is done against them will get reported and they are sentenced to severe actions. Starting from voting rights to the unbiased freedom that women have gained now is because of the evolution of rules favoring women’s growth, letting them shine.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child: This protocol is to defend children’s rights. These rights also favored children falling under the categories like disability, adoption, refugee. Children are the future of a nation, so they gave their requirements and preferences equal importance like adults.
  • Right to education: This law is to educate people who cannot complete even their primary education at the levels of schools and college. It incorporates equality in education among all students belonging to different social statuses so that everyone can enjoy the same privileges with no discrimination.